Amazon Halo Wellness Band

Feel your best with this modern health and wellness brand. Tracking and analyzing almost everything. Everyone will be delighted with this gift!

  • Membership includes body composition, tone of voice analysis, sleep & activity tracking, and more — free for 6 months. Auto-renews at $3.99/month + tax. Contact Customer Service to cancel.
  • Screen-free for fewer distractions.
  • Body Composition - Measure body fat percentage, a better indicator of health than weight or BMI alone.
  • Activity - Track the intensity & duration of your movement plus sedentary time.
  • Sleep - Analyze patterns like how often you wake up during the night.
  • Labs - Science-backed experiments and challenges from experts like the Lifesum, SWEAT, and Headspace.
  • Tone - Analyze qualities of your voice like energy and positivity to help strengthen communication.
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1 new from $64.99
as of September 1, 2020 6:07 pm
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Tile Pro: Keys & Item Tracker

Tile Pro: Keys & Item Tracker

With tile pro you will forget about loosing keys or your other items. The Tile app uses bluetooth to track the location of the lost item. With so many options and replaceable battery, you can be sure that nothing is lost forever!

$25.40 $34.99 CHECK IT OUT
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