
Designed in a way that causes a “Cool” response. Discover the true definition of cool when you explore these peculiar and interesting items. Intentionally fashioned to give you and/or anyone you gift one, that cool impression. If you’re looking for an unusual gift or something unique that you want to buy for someone then this is the place.

Bonsai Tree Seed Starter Kit

Bonsai Tree Seed Starter Kit

Beautiful gift box for everyone who loves gardening. You will get everything you need for a great start. With good instructions and freshly harvested seeds, your Bonsai Tree will live!

Sushi Socks Box

Sushi Socks Box

Delicious sushi socks for women and men. Comfortable and fun, you will find in maki, nigiri and other designs. Great gift idea!

uKeg Carbonated Growler

uKeg Carbonated Growler

uKeg is really easy to use, and copper brings that amazing look. Your drink will be super fresh and carbonated for weeks. An amazing gift for lovers of carbonated drinks.

$169.00 $229.00 CHECK IT OUT
Noodle Pool Float

Noodle Pool Float

When the water cools, it’s perfect because you don’t have to soak, just climb on your giant noodles. It looks delicious, doesn't it?

SanDisk 1TB SD Card

SanDisk 1TB SD Card

Thanks to the insane amount of storage, your camera will take a whole new level! With so many advanced specs, this SD card is such a PRO gift.

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