Designed in a way that causes a “Cool” response. Discover the true definition of cool when you explore these peculiar and interesting items. Intentionally fashioned to give you and/or anyone you gift one, that cool impression. If you’re looking for an unusual gift or something unique that you want to buy for someone then this is the place.
Crying doesn't necessarily have to be a result of something sad. This unicorn will bring happy rainbow tears, colors and magic into your home. Just light it up.
From a warm bed in the morning to a warm blanket in your car. An electric blanket will relax your muscles and improve blood circulation. Enjoy relaxing warmth and comfort anywhere.
Let someone tenderize meat like a true God with this creative product. Shaped juts like Thor's hammer and features a silicone grip handle for extra grippiness. A perfect gift idea for geeks and all Thor lovers out there.
If you ever had problems with finding your wife or girlfriend in the dark, here's the best solution for that. Plus they can be a great accessory for all kinds of occasions. With around 30 hours of glow, she'll certainly appreciate the effort and you'll maybe even bring a smile to her face.
If you want to check on your cookies in the most fantastic way then this product is for you. Make handling hot pots and pans a piece of cake with this infinity gauntlet oven mitten. It will surely protect your fingers from getting fried...
May the force be with you while you're taking your favorite shower. When you turn it on, water shoots out of his eyes like laser beams helping you scrub the geekiness off of you. Great gift idea for your favorite nerd.
This dragon faucet will take your bathroom to a whole new level. If you're still using the boring, old faucets, then you're clearly doing something wrong. Now-a-days, faucets are all about fanciness so getting this item is the way to go.
Let's be honest, there's no way your kid won't bring this cool lunch box to school. Now they will eat whatever you cook. Perfect for storing small toys, as well.
If you are an insect lover, you'll find this cockroach pillow very cute. You can keep it in the garden, on the terrace, in the living room or in the bedroom. For someone, this will be a great decoration, but a lot of people will not want to enter your house at all!
Set up a pitch anywhere you like and challenge your friends to a game of mini soccer. Complete with a pitch, two goals, four shoes and the most important ball. Now you just need fingers...
You've never thought that you'll be able to cut onions with your eyes shut without bleeding all over the place? Well, with these cut resistant gloves your hands are completely safe. Amazing, isn't it?