
Designed in a way that causes a “Cool” response. Discover the true definition of cool when you explore these peculiar and interesting items. Intentionally fashioned to give you and/or anyone you gift one, that cool impression. If you’re looking for an unusual gift or something unique that you want to buy for someone then this is the place.

Slim Engagement Ring Case

Slim Engagement Ring Case

Guys, if you decided to propose your better half and you found the perfect ring but you still don't have a perfect box? Propose with style, because your future fiancee will love this elegant slim engagement ring case. A flat slim jewelry box will leave her speechless.

Reserved Beach Towel

Reserved Beach Towel

This towel will definitely let others know that your deck chair is reserved. Stay in the water or at the bar as long as you like, your deck chair is secured.

Giant 6 Foot Soccer Ball

Giant 6 Foot Soccer Ball

Playing with standard soccer ball is boring to your children? Take this six-foot-tall soccer ball, go to the spacious ground and join them in the game.

Coodle: The Pillow for Cuddling

Coodle: The Pillow for Cuddling

How many times have you been laying in bed, cuddling with your love one and your arm has fallen asleep? Being the big spoon can be great at times, but it comes with the disadvantage that you have to awkwardly lay on your arm. You don't have to worry anymore. With this pillow it won't be a problem no more.

Chocolate Ammo Candy Making Kit

Chocolate Ammo Candy Making Kit

Make your own chocolate bullets in the comfort of your own bunker. This milk chocolate candy making kit includes everything you need to fill your ammo tin with your own chocolate bullets. Great gift for military kids. Keep it safe and fun.

Scooter For Children

Scooter For Children

You need to go to the store, but your kid has something more important to do? With this scooter they will love going out. Maybe even too much!

$59.97 $69.98 CHECK IT OUT
Dry Food Dispenser

Dry Food Dispenser

When it comes to snacks we all like them fresh. This food dispenser keeps all kinds of dry food fresh for a long time. Grab your bowl, it's snack time!

$23.96 $48.99 CHECK IT OUT
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