I live my life a quarter mile at a time. Nothing else matters: not the mortgage, not the store, not my team and all their bullshit. For those ten seconds or less, I'm free. If you recognize this Dom's iconic quote from the Fast and Furious movie, we don't need to explain why this Chevelle replica has to be in your possession.
This Chevrolet is a 5"L x 2"W x 1.5"H
Motorized Pull Back action with opening doors
Individually packed in a window box. Window box is 6.5"L x 3"W x 5.25"H
Let's say you want to ride a bike on a trail in another town, or your flat is too small and there's no enough space to place your bike in? We suggest you to get this one right away! It can be easily stored and transferred without the hassle.
Are there people in your life who just love nature, flowers and plants in general? If so then surprise them with these cute ceramic owl pots. They can use them to plant smaller plants and flowers and decorate any part of their home. They can be a great gift idea because they look awesome even without plants inside of ...