Terribly Good Dad Jokes

You have a dad who likes to make not so funny jokes, but still does it very often? You feel ashamed when he tries to sound funny in front of your friends? Well, the solution to this problem lies not in avoiding your father, but in this book which will make him the most entertaining comedian ever!

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Tennis Ball Saver

Tennis Ball Saver

You can stop worrying about last-minute runs for fresh balls or having to play with the old tennis balls that don't bounce so well anymore. You can reuse even your most used ones because this Tennis Ball Saver will take good care of them until you need them again.

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Chemistry Shot Glasses

Chemistry Shot Glasses

If your dear geek enjoy getting wasted then this is the gift you should get them. Not only they'll use it but think of you every time they get drunk. At least while they're conscious, that is. Suitable for all events where getting wasted is preferable.

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